The Pines Resort at Bass Lake, California

After a two year hiatus the 2008 Jensen Nationals [West] has come alive again.


We gathered on Thursday evening to greet old friends and to welcome new ones.  All of the cars arrived safely.  I believe the only problem was my daughter, Becca, who spent 20 minutes with a car that wouldn’t turn over, until her husband, Felipe, pushed the gear lever hard into park.  Sorry, Becca, I should have told you about that little quirk.


On Friday we went in small groups or singly into Yosemite National Park. Some drove to the rim at Glacier Point, where the road climbs over 8000ft.  Most of us found that carbs that are set for sea level do not do quite as well at that altitude – no problem- just a bit less power.


We joined Ken and Marsha Freese and had dinner in the valley. On the way out we stopped at the newly paved lookout just before the Wawona Tunnel.  The valley was dark and we could see the camp lights of 11 climbing groups on the face of El Capitan.  I don’t think I would like to sleep hanging from a hammock on the sheer rock face.


Saturday’s weather couldn’t have been better, in the 70’s, only a few clouds, and the lake in the background.  What a place for a car display! 


Saturday evening was our buffet dinner and auction.   Noel Wall, our auctioneer, was a show himself.  I understand that someone has been trying to get him to take his show to Vegas.


All in all it was a very satisfying weekend.


Next year it looks like we will be in Carson City NV.  We’ll keep you posted


Jennifer and David Miller