We gratefully thank the following companies for their gracious sponsorship. 
It is with their help that we were able to have this event.
K&D K&D Enterprises
23117 E. Echo Lake Road
Snohomish WA 98296
Phone 425.788.0507
Fax: 360.668.2003
Delta Motorsports Delta Motorsports
9211 North 9th Avenue
Phoenix  AZ 85021
Phone: 602.265.8026
Fax: 602.971.8609
Turtle Wax At you local auto parts store
 Jegs JEGS High Performance
101 JEGS Place
Delaware, OH 43015
Phone: 800.345.4545
Fax: 740.362.7017
White Post White Post Restorations
One Old Car Drive
Post Office Drawer D
White Post, VA 22663
Phone 540.837.1140