The Holbrooke Hotel is one of the premiere landmarks in the Gold Country of the Sierra Nevada. Come stay in rooms where Presidents Ulysses S. Grant, Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison once slept. Relax in the Golden Gate Saloon where Mark Twain, Lola Montez, Lotta Crabtree, and Emma Nevada would wind down their day

212 W Main St, Grass Valley, CA
Tel  800.933.7077

www.holbrooke.com    Be sure to tell them you are with the Jensen Group

National Hotel

211 Broad St, Nevada City CA 95959
T: 530.265.4551


Gold Miner's Inn  [Holiday Inn Express]

121 Bank Street, Grass Valley CA 95945
T: 530.477.1700


Northern Queen Inn - 400 Railroad Avenue
Nevada City, CA 95959   
Tel: 800 226-3090;

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